Ecommerce Eye Candy – How Colors Affect Conversions [Infographic]

“Recent research … shows price size, boldness, color, sound and cultural considerations can boost sales,” – Don’t Trust Your Gut: Part 2

In a discussion about price points, Chris Goward maintains that the form of a thing plays an important role in the conversion optimization process. This infographic from KISSmetrics concurs with that assessment: The way something looks is highly influential when someone is considering whether to buy it. According to this infographic, most people base their purchasing decision, not on the marketing content itself, but on its visual representation.

The graphic presents findings from actual case studies to prove its point. Companies tested the colors of everything from calls-to-action (CTAs) to the product itself and discovered that simple changes can positively impact conversion rates.

Additionally, make sure to display the preferred colors of your targeted marketing demographic. The data shows that while everyone likes blues and greens and dislikes browns and oranges, women tend to love the color purple whereas men hate it. The key is don’t use too many colors or combine them in odd ways.

How Colors Affect Conversions
Source:How Colors Affect Conversions – Infographic