Ecommerce Eye Candy – The Forgotten Marketing Channel [Infographic]

Maybe investing in customer service is a waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere, like product development or marketing efforts. But does anyone who runs a business really believe that spending money to build an effective customer service department is wasteful? Intuition and experience should tell you it is not, but if for some odd reason they don’t, this infographic from Salesforce offers compelling data that proves customer service increases revenue.

For example, how well your business performs the one-two combo of customer acquisition and retention determines how much money you make. But acquiring and retaining customers are not solely dependent on the product or service you offer. Consider these data points illustrated in the infographic:

  • 83 percent of consumers require some form of customer service while making an online purchase (speaks to acquisition)
  • 45 percent of consumers will abandon an online transaction if their concerns are not addressed quickly (speaks to acquisition)
  • 89 percent of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after a poor customer service experience (speaks to retention)

The infographic is also full of advice and practical tips to focus areas of improvement for your customer service efforts. These include:

  • Implement quick and effective customer service
  • Offer customers their preferred preferred help channels
  • Pay attention to what customers want and need
  • Ask for referrals
  • Thank repeat customers
  • Encourage reviews on social media
  • Ask for testimonials

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Customer Service: The Forgotten Marketing Channel

Via Salesforce