February Ecommerce Digest

February was very exciting because of the Olympics. Like the athletes who came to Russia to win the gold, ecommerce managers around the globe spend every day trying to reach their goals. So what can you do to reach yours?

You can start by explaining the impact of coming switch to smart-card technology and start preparing for the end of next year by beefing up your fraud prevention strategy.

Or you can learn how to recover (what you thought was) lost revenue from software pirates.

And if you really want to impress your boss take her down a deep dive into the customer service KPIs that separate the experts from the novices.

Or, if you want, browse through these carefully hand-selected articles and reach all your goals with your new found ecommerce know-how.

Global Ecommerce Sales

Global B2C Ecommerce Sales To Hit $1.5 Trillion This Year Driven By Growth In Emerging Markets | Emarketer – In November, Forrester Research published a report that said, “Today, total online retail revenues in just five markets in Asia Pacific are close to the combined figure for online retail in the US and all of Western Europe.” This recent blog post from Emarketer concurs with the Forrester analysis and shows that the APAC region will conclude 2014 with more online retail sales than North America. If you haven’t yet thought about how you can generate some of those sales for your business you had better begin.

B2B Ecommerce KPIs

Leads And Opportunities Are the Primary B2B Marketing Measure, Not Attention | Econsultancy – This is a great post for every B2B marketer to read. It answers the question of how marketers really contribute to the success of a B2B company, and the answer is not simply, “brand awareness.” This post also argues that asset downloads and event registrations do not qualify as leads. The only real opportunities, according to this article, are those that actively, or verbally, confirm their interest. This awareness should take into account the fact that B2B leads take longer to convert into customers. To better manage the difficulty of cultivating prospects make sure to revamp your attribution model to include all touch points of your offering.

Fraud Prevention Strategy

The Target Tipping Point: How Ecommerce Trumped Traditional Retail In Transaction Security | GeekWire – Making sure that your store only processes secure transactions is a major concern for any merchant. The days when online shopping was a novelty and was perceived as less secure than physical stores are history. In fact, thanks in part to a plethora of news stories that exposed the security weaknesses in giant retailers, people in the United States now trust online store security more than brick-and-mortar security. Nevertheless, this article from Christopher Budd of Trend Micro says that the coming shift to smart-card technology in the United States is sure to push a lot of fraudsters who maneuvered in brick-and-mortar stores to try their underhanded techniques against online shoppers. Is your store prepared?

Landing Page Optimization

Seven Landing Page Tips You Probably Never Thought Of | PerformanceIN – If you’ve never considered optimizing your webpage you are missing an opportunity to improve your conversion rates. But if you only rely on the same old tests, test after test, then your are still missing those opportunities. This post on PerformanceIN was written by the people at Clickthroo which is a landing page software platform. The article offers counter-intuitive advice for split-testing your landing pages. For example, while digital marketers are generally told to keep their calls-to-action (CTAs) above the fold, it’s argued here some visitors may want to read some more information before completing the CTA. Digital marketers should try testing a landing page where the CTA follows compelling copy explaining why the visitor should complete the action.

Get ready for more fantastic ecommerce related posts in March. We will feature new content about email marketing, affiliate marketing and the use of Bitcoin in ecommerce.