February Ecommerce Digest

This February, we posted some great content on a variety of topics — all of them relevant to those who sell digital goods online. On the topic of security, we showcased an infographic about how to protect your business from cyber threats, and posted an article on how to manage the risk presented by fraudsters who are trying to compromise your business. Additionally, we presented advice from the experts on how to deal with customers who routinely miss payments, and how to provide remarkable ecommerce experiences to help you win and retain customers.

For this month’s Ecommerce Digest, we will discuss tactics for reducing churn rate, look at some of the hot new trends in B2B website design, and investigate the intersection between data, SEO and content marketing.

Churn Rate

8 Advanced Tips for Never Losing SaaS Customers | KISSmetrics
The subscription era of ecommerce came into its own with the influx of SaaS. With the advent of these cloud-based products, the market turned from ownership to access, and ecommerce shifted accordingly. Instead of selling a lifetime license to a customer and hoping they would upgrade with the next release, subscription business models force merchants to prove their value to buyers on a more frequent basis. This post from KISSmetrics provides practical tactics that subscription companies can use to make sure that their business model is providing them with the predictable revenue they desire.

Web Design and B2B

15 B2B Sites That Put Design First | NewsCred
Prospects and leads consume a good amount of content through independent market research and resources offered on prospective vendors’ websites. Therefore, they already have a good idea of what they will hear by the time they speak with a sales agent of a B2B merchant. That is one of the many reasons it is so important for B2B merchants to fine tune their websites, and make certain that design and content are focused on communicating value to prospective buyers. If it’s been a minute since the last time you updated your site, you need to think about how you can improve the face of your brand. Use this blog post for inspiration.

Content Marketing, SEO and Data Analysis

Using Data to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy | PerformanceIN
One of the goals of your content should be to educate prospects and leads so that by the time they reach the bottom of the sale’s funnel, they are already well-versed in the value your company offers. This post teaches businesses that they should focus not just on blog posts and landing pages, but every page on their site. One idea to keep in mind, according to this post, is “Would somebody want to read this if Google didn’t exist?” Additionally, businesses have an imperative to look at their web analytics tools and survey their audience to find out which content is most effective.