Ecommerce Eye Candy – Global Ecommerce [Infographic]

Happy New Year!

We are excited for another year of giving independent software vendors the knowledge to succeed in ecommerce, and helping them understand how to address challenges involved in taking their business operations to the next level.

As an independent software vendor, it is likely that you are more interested in understanding your industry niche, and information that applies to selling fashion apparel or consumer electronics seems like it is not applicable to your business. Still, the principles and tools that support online business success are largely the same whether you are selling consumer packaged goods like televisions or digital products like downloadable software.

Global Ecommerce Infographic

Based on eMarketer articles published earlier in 2014, Appeagle, a company that specializes in helping online merchants increase sales by automating their pricing to be more competitive, created this infographic about the worldwide ecommerce market.

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) market is poised for oodles of growth, and this information should definitely influence your revenue goals for the next couple of years. To improve the amount of revenue you are generating from this region, analyze your past and current numbers from APAC markets. Then, review your localization strategy and make sure your web copy, prices, currencies, payment methods and form fields are designed to make it as easy as possible for users in these regions to convert to customers. Additionally, this infographic emphasizes the importance of optimizing your offering, including emails and webpages, for mobile devices.

Data points like those found in the following infographic are useful for benchmarking your own business’s performance. For a further drill down into the software market, read this blog post from Forrester Research which highlights the rather exceptional growth of the software market vis-à-vis its hardware counterpart.

Source: Appeagle
Source: Appeagle

For further advice on improving your ecommerce performance, check out our Six Guides on Ecommerce Essentials.