Conversion Killers in the Checkout Process
If a customer clicks "Buy Now," bring them to the cart. If a customer clicks on a buy link and you display an interstitial page, use it to upsell or cross-sell - but make sure it works.
If a customer clicks "Buy Now," bring them to the cart. If a customer clicks on a buy link and you display an interstitial page, use it to upsell or cross-sell - but make sure it works.
Keep in mind that the goal of testing is usually to increase revenue, but can also be used to increase click-throughs, form submissions and downloads.
Companies tested the colors of everything from calls-to-action (CTAs) to the product itself and discovered that simple changes can positively impact conversion rates.
Every business has an opportunity to use controlled testing to make decisions. Those decisions may be related to product, marketing, strategy, service or any other key component of the business. Testing is not just a web strategy but a decision-making strategy.
By understanding the factors that lead to cart abandonment and what can be done to reduce abandonment rates, e-commerce professionals can make transaction easier to complete and improve cart conversion rates.
We all know we should test our sites for conversion optimization. But where do we start? How do we find out what really works? Building Keystones talked to Chris Goward, founder...
Offer your business customers their preferred sales channels, whether in the form of a sales rep, channel partner or e-store. For direct online sales, make sure that the shopping experience matches customer expectations of convenience and service.
If 80 percent of merchants believe they deliver excellent service, but only eight percent of customers think that's true, it's time for merchants to improve their service. It's not just about helping your customers. The right action here is also the profitable one.
Reduce your customer contacts and churn rates by localizing customer service channels for regions that bring in significant revenue and above average contact rates.
Some facts to consider: Registration forms interrupt the checkout process and lead to cart abandonment Customers are weary of creating more passwords Reducing the amount of fields in a registration form increase conversions
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