The key to building recurring revenue streams is building long-term customer relationships. And that means focusing on delivering great customer experiences and not just when customers come to pay. Your ability...
A subscription is more than just a recurring payment agreement. When a customer agrees to purchase your company’s goods or services on an ongoing basis, they are truly entering a...
Running a subscription business means building long-term customer relationships and cultivating recurring revenue streams. This means managing customer data, including payment data, My Account preferences and more. Employing complex billing...
Finding the right ways to capitalize on social platforms increases your credibility, revenue and traffic sources. But where to start? Use these three best practices to leverage social media to gain quality, loyal consumers and increase your bottom line.
If affiliates are a significant portion of your business, the key is to diversify your partnerships. Make sure you are choosing the right kind of affiliates to advertise your product or service.
In this post, we revisit these companies to explore their user interfaces, discuss the sign-up process and assess the supporting communications each company sends to new users. By comparing their two approaches, we hope to show the elements that contribute to, or detract from, a positive user experience and overall customer experience.
Tech In Chicago, a new podcast hosted by Colin Keeley, seeks to highlight Chicago startups and the entrepreneurs building them. Check out episode 10 featuring our very own Craig Vodnik.