According to today’s infographic from Workstar, customers voices are getting louder. On average, a customer tells eight people about a good customer experience. But customers also talk about negative experiences in far greater numbers. On average, a customer will tell 21 people about a negative customer experience. Clearly, finding ways to inspire positive feedback from customers is essential to building good customer relationships and fighting negative perceptions of your brand in the market.
This trend will only continue as digital natives become the core consumer group. While 16 percent of customers will voice dissatisfaction with a company online through product review pages or social media, among 16 to 34-year-olds that number jumps to 53 percent.
Valuing Customer Realtionships
The companies that value their customer relationships are busy providing world class customer support. Companies with a bad reputation need to find those areas where they can improve, or they risk significant consequences from the market.

Providing inferior customer experiences means being left behind in the world of subscriptions. Since your company must maintain a positive relationship with customers over time, ensuring continued renewals and recurring revenue, neglecting excellent customer support will result in lower customer lifetime values and increased churn.
In addition to the negative impact on your company’s revenue, there’s an added incentive to keep customers happy: Their voices are getting louder. Because of social media, any negative feedback a customer wants to provide, either to your or with their network, is amplified and remains online forever. If the interaction is negative enough, it could even go viral, like this infamous Comcast customer support call. If your poor customer support is becoming a meme, your company is losing the battle for positive customer voices.
Check out the full infographic below.
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