Restoring Your Customers’ Confidence

While ROSCA affects the way merchants sell products online, it primarily prohibits tactics most merchants wouldn't think of employing in the first place. Understand that complying with ROSCA shouldn't affect one's ability to adhere to e-commerce best practices. In fact, adhering to ROSCA for its own sake is beneficial to your reputation and lowers the risk of chargebacks.

Compensating Channel Partners In The Era Of Cloud Computing

The cloud fundamentally changed the way that independent software vendors (ISVs) market and sell their products by emphasizing cost-effectiveness and ease of scalability. It also changed the way IT departments buy and use software. However, we often overlook how the cloud revolution affected channel partnerships. In the era of cloud computing, if vendors and their partners don't update their channel strategy, they risk being marginalized.

The Heart of Email Marketing: Reputation and Deliverability

Did you know that there are three times as many email accounts as Facebook and Twitter combined? Email is so important to businesses that MarketingSherpa's Best Practices in Email Handbook says, ", along with search and an effective website, is at the heart of online marketing." Email is greener, more measurable, more preferred by consumers, gets better response rates than social media and is the first and most frequent thing people check.

February Ecommerce Digest

What a great month for blogging. While physical clouds were blowing cold rain and snow all over the Northern Hemisphere, virtual clouds and e-commerce were providing excellent fodder for Building Keystones blog posts. February was definitely focused on SaaS, with posts like: E-commerce Eye Candy -The State of SaaS [Infographic] Software-as-a-Service Success: 10 Dos and 10 don'ts of SaaS [E-book Review] E-commerce Eye Candy: Why are More and More Businesses Moving to the Cloud? Full Service Subscription Commerce Defined

Ecommerce Eye Candy: Why are More and More Businesses Moving to the Cloud? [Infographic]

This infographic from Yorkshire Cloud, explains why IT departments are investing more money into cloud-based software. In Forrester Research’s recent overview of the the subscription commerce market,...

As the infographic explains, this trend is based on current business problems with IT infrastructure such as downtime, flexibility and running costs as well as the benefits that accompany cloud computing in the areas of scalability, reduced costs and management.

Three Ways to Improve Cross-sell and Up-sell Conversion Rates

One of the key principles behind cart conversion is simplicity. Reducing distractions and focusing on completing the order are important steps to optimizing conversion rates. Despite the fact that cross-sells and up-sells may distract customers from completing an order a the primary product, they are important drivers of additional revenue nonetheless. Therefore, it's important not to make assumptions without data to back up your hypothesis, as your customers might surprise you.

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