Ecommerce Eye Candy – B2B Tech Buying [Infographic]

Selling B2B software online is a little different than selling a retail product. For one thing, the buying cycle is longer. It’s also more complicated....

Whether your B2B product lends itself to direct selling through an e-store or not, you need to optimize the path that customers take toward purchasing. So how do you that? According to this infographic from Google, it's all about balancing SEO, PPC, video content and mobile design.

April Ecommerce Digest

All good customer service departments monitor KPIs like contacts per day, hold times and response times. But how many contact centers measure first contact resolutions? The best customer service operations resolve the vast majority of their inquiries on the first contact. But most companies achieve first contact resolution rates of only 56 to 46 percent.

Ecommerce Eye Candy: Choosing an Email Service Provider [Interactive Tool]

Email marketing is often praised as a low-cost, high-return marketing investment. But choosing the right email service provider (ESP) depends on many factors. How does one...

Email marketing is often praised as a low-cost high-return investment. But choosing the right email service provider depends on many factors. How does one balance costs against capabilities? How does one fulfill the needs of today while planning the growth of tomorrow?

Should You Develop a Mobile App?

Combined with an on-premise or SaaS product, a mobile app could differentiate you from your competitors, create a unique value for your customers, generate more users and revenue and reduce customer churn.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Mobile App Success [Infographic]

In 2010, the word “app” was named “Word of the Year” by the American Dialect Society. This highlighted the importance that apps play in our...

The majority of mobile app developers have made less than $5,000 to date and the only the top earners (the 12 percent of app developers who have made more than $50,000 in total revenue) were able to say that their apps turned out to be a sustainable, standalone business.

The Asian Ecommerce Market

As independent software vendors you know that online buyers from across the globe might land in their e-stores, and you’ve probably considered if and how you can generate revenue from the...

March Ecommerce Digest

SEO expert Danny Sullivan suspects user reviews play a large part in determining who is a bad merchant, but wisely points out that a bad merchant can just as easily create fake positive reviews of their business to counteract the genuine negative reviews.

Ecommerce Eye Candy: The Death of Packaged Software [Infographic]

When high speed Internet became readily available and affordable for consumers at home, many people predicted that it would lead to the end of packaged software...

When high speed Internet became readily available and affordable for consumers at home, many people predicted that it would lead to the end of packaged software sold in retail stores. Similarly, with the advent of SaaS, some analysts see the demise of on-premise software looming on the horizon.

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