Ecommerce Eye Candy — Why Do Companies With Great Customer Service Succeed? [Infographic]

Companies with great customer service succeed. While this sounds simple, getting it right can be a challenge. Customers who are happy with your service will most likely purchase from you again and recommend your company to friends and family. On the other hand, customers who are unhappy with your service will abandon transactions, take their business elsewhere and tell everyone in their social media network how awful their experience was.

Every touch point counts. No matter what your product or service is, your customer support team should be treated like another essential feature. Afterall, whether a customer is interacting with your website, your product or a support representative, they are constantly assessing the overall experience with your company. The best product ever created will fail if customers feel disrespected or left out in the cold.

World class customer service is intuitively a good idea and its value is borne out by the numbers.

Customer Service by the Numbers

This infographic from KissMetrics explores where companies fall short when it comes to customer service and how customers actually respond to what they consider good or bad service. Their numbers prove the value of excellent customer service — and the pitfalls of getting it wrong:

  • 50 percent of consumers give a brand only one week to respond to an inquiry before they stop doing business with them.
  • 26 percent of consumers with a negative customer service experience will post about it on social media.
  • But when a brand responds to their complaint, 51 percent of customers had a positive response.
  • Bad customer service costs businesses an estimated $338 Billion world wide.
  • 70 percent of consumers are willing to spend an average of 13 percent more with companies that provide excellent customer service.

Check out the infographic to learn how your company can create memorable experiences to keep customers happy and coming back.

Learn more about nurturing customer relationships in our complimentary guide, Retaining Subscribers & Optimizing the Renewal Process

customer service
Source: Kissmetrics