What It Takes To Convert Global Customers

Global B2C ecommerce sales are projected to hit 2.14 trillion in 2017, and most of those sales come from customers located outside the borders of the United States. If you’re keen on growing global online revenue and raising conversion rates, you need to provide customers a fully optimized customer experience.

It’s not easy to do this. Growing your online revenue on a global scale requires vision and commitment — plus the infrastructure to make it happen.

Your challenge is two-fold.

  • Efficiently integrating into a powerful and flexible ecosystem of commerce, billing and payment tools.
  • Reaching your business goals like growing overall sales by improving conversion rate, churn rate, renewal rate, average order valueand other KPIs.

Organizations that fail to invest in optimizing their digital commerce end up with a poor customer experience, low sales revenue and higher-than-expected costs. So what does it take to convert more global customers?

It takes three critical capabilities to convert global customers:

  1. A localized the customer experience
  2. Global payment processing
  3. Testing and optimization

This blog post will focus on the third item of that list. For the full exploration of all three topics, please visit our and download our guide for growing online revenue.

Critical Capability: Testing and optimization

Testing and optimization is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.

Combining strong payment processing capabilities and localized customer experience with a powerful testing tool — that’s what (literally) puts your marketing strategy to the test and creates opportunities that lead directly to more revenue and higher conversion rates.

Rather than rely on gut intuition, testing allows your company to ask your customers to tell you the answer that works for them. That gives you the ability to make business decisions based on hard data from real customer experiences.

You can (and should) conduct tests with the many variables in your customer shopping experience — for example:

test variables


When you embrace the value of optimization through testing, you’re paving the way to higher conversion rates, average order values, earnings per visitor and overall revenue.