Seven Keys to a Successful Compliance Management Strategy

According to the Verizon 2012 Data Breach Investigation Report, 92% of breaches were discovered by third parties. Businesses tend to focus on compliance management only when customers or partners tell them about a breach that has already occurred, or even worse when they end up in the news. By that time, however, it usually is already too late.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – The State of IT Security [Infographic]

855 data breach incidents occurred in 2011. 174 million records were compromised. Just reading those statistics makes me feel like those guys from Bitcoinia, whose...

An infographic from tells the story of Verizon's "2012 Data Breach Investigation Report" which explains how breaches occur and provides steps for protection.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Geomarketing [Infographic]

In this week’s Ecommerce Eye Candy, KISSmetrics shows us some compelling numbers related to Geomarketing. According to GfK GeoMarketing (PDF), “…geomarketing brings clarity to the...

Location, Location, Location - Geo-marketing & Why it Matters: The Infographic from KISSmetrics

April Ecommerce Digest

In this month's E-commerce Digest we look at business models and DRM issues from Nintendo and Pottermore, investigate the social sales funnel, and review some key tips in PPC advertising and web design.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Mobile Gaming [Infographic]

According to this infographic from Business Degree, mobile gaming generated $12 billion dollars in 2011 and is expected to double by 2016. Games have the highest...

Games have the highest percentage of use out of any type of mobile app. From the bed to the bathroom to the bus, people play games everywhere. Gamers are frequent users as well: over half of smartphone owners play games on their devices at least once a day and over half of mobile gamers play for an hour a day.

Interactive Video Makes Online Choice Easy for Consumers

One of the biggest challenges facing business today is simplifying choice for online consumers. If we ignore this challenge we fail to grasp the context of our role in the consumer’s life. As consumers, our attention is finite; 24 hours per day is all we have. At work or play we are bombarded by choice and content has no respect for time.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – How Social Login Affects Ecommerce [Infographic]

This week’s Ecommerce Eye Candy was created by Monetate, a provider of web page targeting and testing services, and focuses on social media’s effect on...

By allowing consumers to use social logins to further their social sharing, you are creating an opportunity for consumers to spend more time on your pages. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about your visitors in anticipation of their return to your website.

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