Revenue Recognition Webcast

Correctly recognizing revenue from the software you sell is a complex topic near and dear to our heart. Guidance from accounting teams is absolutely necessary for...

Attendees will learn about the future of international compliance standards like the IFRS and the US compliance standards called GAAP.

Is Freemium Right for Your Business?

The Freemium model is not a silver bullet. It is a marketing tactic that your company should consider, but not treat as your fundamental business model. In other words, don’t automatically assume that you can sustain your farm by giving away your crops for free.

August Ecommerce Digest

Here are some more articles from trusted sources on these topics: landing page optimization, business models for MMO games, Google's take on frustrating checkout processes, and pricing strategies in a volatile currency market.

Foreign Currencies Are Wildly Fluctuating. Have You Looked at Your Product Prices?

In order to plan strategically you need to decide between two questions: “Do I want to be paid the same amount for my product in foreign currencies?” or, “Am I looking to price my product according to what the market will bear?” With the former strategy, you know exactly how much you will earn in your home currency for each sale. With the latter, your product will either be priced higher or lower than your domestic price.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Google Checkout in Real Life [Video]

This video from the Google Analytics YouTube channel is a hilarious satire on the difficulties many customers encounter on their way through an online checkout...

Ideally, your checkout process should result in a win-win situation. If customers are not converting as you hoped and your company is not meeting its expected goals, it's time to investigate your funnel for where customers are dropping off.

Pay-to-Play vs. Free-to-Play

This is a lesson for software developers and e-commerce managers. The product you sell upfront is not the same product that users use for free. For example, when users previously paid for SWTOR they gained access to the whole game and all its potential features. Now that the game will be free to play, product and e-commerce managers must restrict access to certain elements of the game that were available for the upfront payment.

Landing Page Optimization: An Interview With Tim Ash — Part 2

This is the second, and final part of our conversation with Tim Ash, author of Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for...

This is second, and final part of our conversation with Tim Ash, author of Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions. In this part we learn about global scalibility, conversion optimization for SaaS subscription products and what it means to be a recovering technologist.

July Ecommerce Digest

E-commerce is no different than gymnastics. In place of cartwheels, handsprings and somersaults, we have product functionality, marketing initiatives and customer acquisition.

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