Ecommerce Eye Candy – Abandonment Issues [Infographic]

The last thing you want as a software vendor is to look at your carts’ conversion rates and see a ghost town. And with online...

The last thing you want as a software vendor is to look at your carts' conversion rates and see a developing ghost town. And with online retail becoming increasingly popular and lucrative we're going to see the emergence of a class of savvy online shoppers who will increase the rate of abandoned carts.

Presidential E-stores: Lessons in Landing Pages

The content of an ad should accurately reflect the content of the landing page. Whether the goal is to convert visitors to paying customers or simply acquiring visitor information like email addresses, that content should be simple and laser focused on guiding searchers and visitors to that goal.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – B2B Marketing [Infographic]

We all want to let the whole world know about our product offerings and value to customers and potential customers. But what are the best...

We all want to let the whole world know about our product offerings and value to customers and potential customers. But what are the best ways for marketers to go about communicating this value?

March Ecommerce Digest

"Basically, if a given software package or service isn’t free/open, it should be as easy as humanly possible to try it, pay for it, and start using it in production. If it isn’t easy to get started with your product, I’m going to find another vendor."

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Going Global [Infographic]

In this week’s installment of Ecommerce Eye Candy we have an infographic from Dribble by Kyle Anthony Miller highlighting the $572 billion that accompanied world wide...

We consider it a truism that localized sites are appealing to international visitors, and that localized prices reduce abandonment.

Who Killed Download Software?

The software market, despite cries from many directions, is growing larger and larger. If you don't adapt your software business to the technological changes, your business can be readily disrupted even with the overall market growing for years to come.

The Dunning Process in Ecommerce

In digital e-commerce the dunning process should include elements of teaching the value of your service or product. Instead of simply playing debt collector, play the part of teacher. Focus your dunning process on providing customers with an explanation of the benefits they're missing by losing the service.

Our Ten Favorite Ecommerce Twitter Accounts

It's good to be proud of your own tweets, but you can always learn from others. Make sure that you're in tune with the whole e-commerce industry by listening and interacting with those companies and individuals on the front line.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Shopping Cart Abandonment [Infographic]

This week’s installment of Ecommerce Eye Candy comes from Monetate, a provider of marketing optimization services. The infographic touches upon a paramount ecommerce concern: the checkout...

The meat of this piece lies in the 11 elements of a "perfect checkout page" and the 11 "Do's and Don'ts" of a checkout process. As far as the former is concerned, one thing I wanted to see but did not find was a recommendation to include information about how the product is delivered. Don't assume your customer knows their product is not physical and that it is delivered electronically through email, etc. Rather, state the delivery method explicitly.

February Ecommerce Digest

Now with February winding down, it's time for another edition of our Blogger's Digest series. This month the digest explores tips for competing in the Chinese e-commerce market, the differences between American and British affiliate marketing, cloud security, the interrelationship between Google's new privacy initiatives and e-commerce, and more.

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