Ecommerce Eye Candy – Enterprise Cloud Adoption [Infographic]

Whether they are deciding to adapt their business’s infrastructure to a cloud network, or figuring out how to integrate legacy systems, c-level executives, enterprise procurement...

And for those B2B software companies deciding whether to create a SaaS version of their product or not, consider this: 85% of enterprise buyers have already adopted some cloud based solutions and close to 90% of decision makers are planning to increase their adoption of cloud-based solutions.

Fix Low-Converting Regions With Price Tests

All too often, e-commerce managers who try to increase revenues spend too much time looking at their average worldwide conversion rates. Erroneous conclusions are made and attempts to fix random elements of the conversion path or the layout of the shopping cart still fail to improve the situation. Instead, they should begin looking at conversion rates by country and finding better ways of appealing to local customers.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – Navigating Japanese Ecommerce [Video]

This week’s Ecommerce Eye Candy revisits a topic near and dear to our hearts: Japanese Ecommerce. Anyone selling digital products globally knows that what works for...

Anyone selling digital products globally knows that what works for one region does not necessarily work for a different region. The Japanese market is complex and requires tailoring your software and e-commerce solution to fit local business conditions.

The What, Why and How of Content Marketing

An effective content marketing strategy is a pervasive, multimedia affair that combines traditional marketing techniques with social, web 2.0 content. It is a comprehensive effort that can help every company in their quest to not only acquire and retain customers, but to showcase leadership and authenticity.

Ecommerce Eye Candy – The Changing Role of Email Marketing [Infographic]

In “Four Benefits of Marketing Automation,” we noted that 80% of companies use automated email services to reach their customers. But what kind of content...

The image below indicates that B2B related emails are more likely to be opened on a Tuesday morning than any other time of the week. Friday, however, is the least likely time that such emails are opened. Perhaps people are too busy with work on Monday and too excited for the weekend on Friday to look at that email promoting your newest whitepaper. Test and survey your own audience to see what works best for them.

Four Benefits of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation benefits include identifying multiple sales funnels and paths to conversions, optimizing the sales process, and identifying communication gaps within the marketing strategy and internally between departments.

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